Are you looking for a natural remedy for heart arrhythmia? Just my story, but maybe you’ll find it helpful…More than several years ago now, my daughter began to have a heart arrhythmia. With an “Event Monitor” we clocked her heart rate at 278 bpm and she was diagnosed with SVT or Supraventricular Tachycardia. This arrhythmia came out of nowhere and to be honest, it was a bit frightening. We proceeded to get two opinions from well-known children cardiologists. They both recommended a procedure called Catheter Ablation to correct these sudden changes in heart rate.
We took this concern very seriously and decided to put her immediately on a beta blocker. The beta blocker usually can help with lessening the occurrence of the arrhythmia and it did for my daughter. The problem with the beta blocker is that it often makes the patient extremely tired, and my daughter could hardly function at school on it. So I wondered if there was a natural heart arrhythmia treatment? (*Research on beta blockers here.)
While on the beta blocker, I started to read about what might be causing these arrhythmias. I know that often doctors will first recommend salt to see if this may help. However, with 278 bpm they did not believe salt would remedy her condition. I also wondered if she could be lacking something? She was not eating or drinking properly and lacked good nutritional choices. I also knew that she could have a predisposition to heart issues, so we decided that while she was on the beta blocker, we would start to work on her nutrition.
We immediately emphasized that she needed to drink more water, especially when playing sports. We also knew that magnesium was essential for heart health. So we put her on a calcium complex with magnesium which included Vitamin C and D, Boron, Glutamic Acid and L-Lysine. We also had her take another cardio vitamin which included extra support. Lastly, we gave her Olive Leaf Extract. After putting her on these daily supplements, she was able to get off the beta blocker and in five months had only one occurrence of arrhythmia that lasted two minutes long. This was quite a difference!
Since Then….
UPDATE 1: My daughter had 2 small one-minute occurrences in a half year span, but to be honest, she forgot to take her vitamins when this occurred. We will continue to monitor closely. On an interesting note…I remember that before these occurrences happened, she had a bad virus with a rash that could not be explained. I have since learned that viruses can cause heart arrhythmias.
UPDATE 2: We decided to go ahead with the catheter ablation surgery. The olive leaf extract worked extremely well, lowering the number of incidents and the duration of them. However, when she did not take the extract, she would have an occurrence occasionally. The procedure took two hours for us and she had to stay overnight. We were told originally the procedure could take between 2-4 hours. Fortunately, the physician found the area to be ablated immediately. There is risk in this surgery as all surgeries, but for us it went great! We feel very blessed. As a side note, Hawthorn Berry Extract has also been reported to be very helpful with heart related issues.
FINAL UPDATE: Since the ablation, there has been no further arrhythmia. We feel so very blessed!
This is what the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center site had to say about Olive Leaf Exract:
I wish you well as you journey and seek heart health for you or your loved one. May you find the healing that you seek. “Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.” Proverbs 15:30
Sandy says
I have gotten better after salt with svt episodes, few chips or electrolyte drink. I’m not sure if apple cider vinegar put me there today, but I was sipping it. I felt real calm then it happened, not sure if potassium dropped. My cardiologists never recommend salt, but I did have electrolyte drip in the ER once and felt better quickly.
Lisa Wilson says
I was working last year, when I started having Tachycardia. The monitor said mine went anywhere from 63-200 beats per minute. I haven’t been able to work as of Sept. 2017.If I exercise, even walking for 1 hour slowly, it will get like beating out of chest, so I know it is over 200. What are you saying about giving her salt? I would like to know more about that. I’m on Metoprolol & it makes me to tired to do absolutely anything. I had a UTI when it first started .
Home Remedies For Mom says
Hi Lisa, I hope that you are under continual care of your physician. He or she would know what is best for you. The salt is something your doctor would have given you if he thought it would help. The beta blocker definitely makes you tired, but should help to regulate your heart. If it doesn’t, you should revisit your doctor. You may want to ask him about olive leaf extract too. I wish you good health Lisa.