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Did you know that there are SO many said Hydrogen Peroxide uses? What exactly is Hydrogen Peroxide anyway? It is the simplest compound (H2O2) with an oxygen-oxygen single bond. It is a strong oxidizer and is considered highly reactive and is even used as a propellant in rocketry that supports the combustion of fuel! It is a colorless liquid, slightly stickier than water. And because of its chemical reaction, it is often used as a bleach or cleaning agent.
There are DIFFERENT GRADES of hydrogen peroxide which is very important to know:
3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the grade sold at your local drugstore. This product is NOT recommended for internal use. It contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn’t be ingested.
6% Beautician Grade: This is used in beauty shops to color hair and is NOT recommended for internal use.
30% Reagent Grade: This is used for scientific experimentation and also contains stabilizers. It is NOT for internal use.
30% to 32% Electronic Grade: This is used to clean electronic parts and is NOT for internal use.
35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is the ONLY grade recommended for internal use.
- 35% Technical Grade: This is a more concentrated than the Reagent Grade and differs slightly.
- 90% Grade: This is used as an oxygen source for rocket fuel. Hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be volatile and extremely dangerous or even fatal.
Important things to know about 35% Food Grade H202:
- Do not use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide. Use distilled water, juice or aloe vera gel instead.
- It must be handled carefully because direct contact will burn the skin. Flushing with water is recommended.
- It should be stored safely and properly and tightly sealed in the freezer when not in use.
- Dispensing Hydrogen Peroxide is easier with a glass eye dropper.
- When using with vinegar, you will need two spray bottles. DO NOT MIX the solutions together.
- Light destroys peroxide rather quickly. It’s best to leave it in its original bottle and screw the cap on tightly.
Here are some suggested uses for hydrogen peroxide. I will tell you that for the majority of them, I have not tried so they cannot be verified. I do know personally, however, that it helps with ear wax and ear infection. Please make note to follow directions carefully and always consult your physician when necessary. Here it goes…
- Canker sores
- Whitens teeth
- Mouthwash
- Toothbrush, dentures, retainer soak
- Cleaning counters
- Cleaning cutting boards
- Feet fungus 50/50 mixture with water
- Cuts or infections soak for 5-10 min. several times a day.
- Gangrene
- Disinfectant – 50/50 mixture with water
- Nasal infections – spray
- Ear infections
- Tooth ache temporary fix – hold in mouth for 10 min. 3 x a day.
- Hair care – brings out the natural highlights.
- Boils – put 1/2 bottle in bath
- Skin infections
- Laundry – Bleach alternative. Use 1 cup instead of bleach to whiten them
- Blood stains
- Cleans mirrors
- Bathroom Bacteria – put 50 water/50 h.p. mixture into a spray bottle
- Detox bath
- Enemas
- Mites
- Tooth paste – use with baking soda
- Contact lens
- Dishwasher cleaning
- Salmonella when used with apple cider vinegar
- Shigella when used with apple cider vinegar
- E. coli bacteria when used with apple cider vinegar
- Mold and mildew remediation
- Humidifiers
- Meat sanitizer
- Sprouting seeds – soak overnight
- Growing mushrooms in the fridge
- Cleans sponges
- Fruit and vegetable cleaner. Place hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle and mist over your produce, letting it soak for about five minutes before rinsing off and drying.
- Red wine stains
- Armpit stains on clothing
- Stains on tile, stone and grout – combine with flour
- Whitens nails
- Colds – few drops in your ears
- Toilet bowls
- Refrigerators
- Carpets
- Cleaning aquariums
- Plant fertilizer
- Swimming pools instead of chlorine
- Making cheese
- Poisonous gas
- Athlete’s foot
- Gingivitis
- Pots and pan when used together with baking soda
- Cleans and sanitizes kids toys
- Ear wax
- Odor eliminator
- Wall degreaser
- Salad spray
- Coffee maker cleaner
- Sink bleaching
- Shower curtain
- Vinyl siding
- Water treatment
- Skunk odor
- Dog poisoning
- Hot tub cleaning
- Poultry and livestock
- Restores paintings
- Hydroponics cleaning
- Spider bites
- Yellowing plastic
Lastly, there is an interesting book out there called The One Minute Cure in regards to disease and Hydrogen Peroxide. It’s always interesting to learn new things like hydrogen peroxide uses. Who knows, maybe someone just might benefit. Let me know your stories with H2O2.
Disclaimer: The statements on this website and products have not been reviewed or approved by the F.D.A. and are not meant to diagnose or cure any disease or illness. You should speak to your licensed professional health care provider or doctor before using any substance or product for any internal or personal decision health care. Improper handling and usage of hydrogen peroxide may cause serious injury or death. As with any information, the reader should always be careful to do their own research and investigation in such matters to ensure safety for all involved.
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