Do you have high blood pressure or hypertension as doctors call it?…What is high blood pressure anyways? Blood pressure is recorded as a fraction [120/80]. The top number (Systolic) measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats. The bottom number (Diastolic) measures the pressure in the arteries BETWEEN heartbeats. High blood pressure can be the result of the body making too much insulin, or fighting disease; but sometimes there are no visible reasons for this hypertension or even symptoms.
On an interesting note, some people who go to the doctor are nervous and as a result their blood pressure rises, we call this white-coat hypertension. Often these patients do not have high blood pressure. The best way to know for sure, however, is to test your blood pressure outside of the doctor’s office. Make sure you have the right size cuff as adjustments need to be made depending on if the person is a larger person or a child.
To be healthy, you definitely want your blood pressure in the normal range as much as possible. If we don’t keep it down, there are possible health consequences including: angina, stroke, heart disease, kidney damage, peripheral artery disease, memory loss and more.
Below is a chart by the American Heart Association that defines what is and isn’t healthy more accurately:
So What Can We Do To Lower Blood Pressure?
There are many things we can do to keep our numbers under control and healthier, below are some research-based suggestions. Remember consistency is vital to improvement.
- Consider NATTOKINASE, an enzyme from fermented soybeans. It decreases the ability of blood to clot, kind of like a blood thinner and so may protect against conditions such as clots, stroke and heart attack. It has also lowered blood pressure according to some testimonials. See research here.
- Do stay away from sugar, artificial anything, some grains/carbs, smoking, alcohol consumption, hot tub and sauna use, and stress.
- Eat organic (fruits/vegetables), exercise, drinking apple cider vinegar or green tea daily, eating protein, garlic, vitamin D, Omega 3, (fish or flax oil), fermented foods, olive leaf extract, potassium rich foods and improving gut flora. Spices: garlic, onions, oregano, cinnamon, olives, hawthorn and cardamon.
- You may want to get your kidneys checked as well as uric acid levels can cause high blood pressure.
Remember, if you can’t get your blood pressure down naturally, you doctor will probably put you on statins. I have written on the repercussions of using statins and the brain here. As we age, body balance is no longer an option. Start getting healthy today, because quality of life is better than the quantity of life I always say.
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