What are Electro Magnetic Fields or EMFs anyways?
Electro Magnetic Fields are produced by electrically charged objects, such as anything wireless like your Wi-Fi, smart meters, smart phones and even microwaves. A electromagnetic field is a force which extends through space indefinitely and can create interactions with the atoms in our bodies. This force can change the body’s own frequency or electrical patterns and have been shown to contribute or create serious health conditions. Research has documented that communities exposed to dirty electricity had a much higher incidence of chronic diseases and cancer than those who had not. The younger are more susceptible to possible effects and the more exposure, the larger the accumulation.
“Dirty electricity” or electrical pollution often travels on building wiring. It is kind of complicated if you are not a science person, but “Clean electricity is safe electricity. Clean electricity has a smooth sine wave that goes up and down 60 times a second. Dirty electricity is electromagnetic pollution called transients and harmonics – operating in the 4 to 100 kilohertz frequency range – which contaminates the electrical supply.” (NN)
When dirty electricity is cleaned up, health improves significantly for many. There is a study that indicates that some who have ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease may have been exposed to these magnetic fields. See the study here.
Where are all the EMFs coming from?
- CFL lightbulbs
- Microwaves
- Wi-fi
- Smart meters
- Cell phones and towers
- Dimmer switches
- Magnetic machines (i.e. Tens machine, MRI)
- Computers and more!
So what can we do to clean up our exposure to EMFs?
We live in an age now that we no longer see ourselves without these smart devices. What is interesting is that the Amish community has a 40% less rate of cancer according to an Ohio State University 8 year study. The Amish are not exposed to the quantity of EMFs that most of us are. If we are serious about getting healthier, then maybe we need to reduce our dirty electricity exposure? There is Electro Magnetic Fields shielding available that you can use on everything from grounding your bed, to blocking EMFs using a plug-in for Wi-Fi pollution, to simple material shielding in your cell phone covers. It makes sense that since the body does generate electricity, it also reacts to the electrical fields around it. Science is so interesting, isn’t it?…and there is always more to learn.
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