Getting lice can be devastating, especially for kids. They spread quickly and if you don’t address the problem immediately, it can take sometimes weeks to get rid of them. Many people have some crazy recipes to get rid of lice, everything from gasoline to using a lot of chemicals. We want to kill lice but […]
Can We Control Blood Sugar Naturally?
Can we help our bodies to control blood sugar naturally? Eating a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and little to no processed foods or sugars is important for longevity and is a must to help regulate blood sugar, but are there other things we can do? Did you know that the pancreas, […]
It’s Tick Season!
It’s TICK season! Go get those handy essential oils out and fight off those nasty bugs…And please don’t assume you’ll never get bit. According to the CDC, each year there are nearly 30,000 confirmed cases of Lyme disease across the United States; but the total may be as high as 300,000 and the numbers are […]