Would you like to treat depression naturally? Depression has become one of the biggest health concerns in our country today. Prescription drug orders for depression are at an all-time high. Suicide is as well. We need help, but where do we begin? First off, please let me begin by saying to all involved with depression, see your […]
20 Health Benefits of Brewer’s Yeast
Most of us are not aware of the health benefits of brewer’s yeast. What is brewer’s yeast anyways? Brewers yeast is made from a fungus called Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is typically used in beer making, but there is a nutritional supplement of Brewer’s yeast as well. The deactivated yeast that is found in supplements can be […]
Natural Sunscreen Recipe
[contextly_auto_sidebar id=”ZAaOxukMZGp62NHNs0vaQl3yb1aeT5pn”] Are you looking for a natural sunscreen recipe that is safe for you or your child? I think many of us are. Today’s sunscreens are made with man-made chemicals that can cause health problems. Just one, Octyl Methoxycinnamate or OMC is a UVB and is in 90% of sunscreens today and is said to be more […]