Crown of Thorns Extract has been used for chronic heart problems for centuries. The extract is derived from the Hawthorn tree (Crataegus) which has sharp thorns, small white flowers and red berries. It was given its name believing that this tree was used to create the crown of Jesus when he was crucified. The Hawthorn is said to have entered American clinical practice around […]
Essential Oils Good for Animals and People
I always knew that essential oils were great for people, but never thought about using them on animals until I saw Cesar Millan using lavender to calm a nervous dog. [However, due to new 2015 FDA regulations, this video was taken down.] One can try oils for everything from taking away a skin allergic reaction (lavender), to aiding with digestion (peppermint), […]
King Tut’s Black Seed Oil Is A Treasure
[contextly_auto_sidebar id=”ZxYsTi4BpOi2YIBwDxRRZPqRWb6PT12j”] Have you ever heard of what I call “Life Saving Black Seed Oil” (black cumin) or Nigella Sativa? I never did, but what I found was again amazing. This is a fatty acid triglyceride and cold-pressed oil that has a long list of ailments that it can help remedy. Essential fatty acids, which […]