Flax seed oil, which is also called linseed, but not to be confused with what you buy at the hardware store, is rich in good essential fatty acids or Omega 3s. This oil contains the amazing Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), an antioxidant that fights free radicals throughout the entire body that causes aging and cellular damage and protects against a host of diseases. […]
My Natural Medicine Cabinet
If I could pick a Top 10 List of items for must haves in my natural medicine cabinet, these would be my favorites. But there were so many great items to pick from that I decided I couldn’t stop there. So here goes My Top 10 List and More: Apple Cider Vinegar – I have already talked extensively to […]
Honey Plus Cinnamon Equals Health
[contextly_auto_sidebar id=”gBIf3VjwfzhcW2ZC45WCJytiNAoQ052D”] The honey and cinnamon combination is so very healthy for you. I have already mentioned the incredible benefits of honey products and you can read about them on my post here. Bacteria cannot live in honey and that alone makes it so beneficial. I also have mentioned that cinnamon has a great effect on glycemic or […]