Do we already have Natural Cancer Cures? You decide, but the evidence is strong and hope has been stirred after watching these amazing videos below. There is so much new information on how to fight cancer, but first let’s recognize the 6 Stages of Disease: Lack of energy – Food does not properly digest and nutrients […]
Natural Medicine for the Body Found In Fruits and Vegetables
[contextly_sidebar id=”7c06b8f975b0ed98035428ccab1b9a23″][contextly_auto_sidebar id=”MDgJ4BtH3cIEFtNVgonECBY1MZK7VAsh”] Can natural medicine for the body really be found in fruits and vegetables? I know that you have heard it a million times, but real food such as organic fruits and vegetables can be medicine for the body which brings life and healing. Packaged and processed food, however, can have the opposite effect on our bodies, they bring […]
Tea Anyone? A Natural Cancer Treatment
Tea is a natural cancer treatment and preventative and is said to have about 8 to 10 times more antioxidants than what we eat daily in fruits and vegetables. Wow! This makes tea (black, green, white or oolong — a blend of black and green) a radical cancer fighter! Green tea has powerful compounds called polyphenols that inhibit […]