Do we already have Natural Cancer Cures? You decide, but the evidence is strong and hope has been stirred after watching these amazing videos below. There is so much new information on how to fight cancer, but first let’s recognize the 6 Stages of Disease:
Lack of energy – Food does not properly digest and nutrients are not absorbed or used and turns into a toxic substances adhering to the intestinal walls and then absorbed into the bloodstream which passes from the blood into body tissue.
- Accumulation of toxins – the body is not disposing of waste properly, leading to an accumulation of toxins which causes damage at the cellular level.
- Irritation – Rising levels of toxic material in the body begin to cause irritation internally and externally. Some symptoms include: rashes, nausea, insomnia or mood swings.
- Inflammation – there is constant irritation to areas where toxins continue to accumulate. This stage is a precursor to serious damage and health issues.
- Ulceration – occurs in localized areas of the body where high levels of stored toxins destroy the cells and tissues around them.
- Tissue hardening – The toxic material is now encased in a sack of hardened tissue or tumor. Cells begins to mutate. If detoxification does not take place, the disease will begin to take over the body.
According to Dr. Rashid Buttar, there are SEVEN Toxities that creates cancer:
- Heavy metals in the system
- Persistent organic chemicals
- Viruses: yeast, bacteria, parasites, fungus
- Energetics: radiation, cfls, cell phones, electro magnets frequencies
- Emotional and psychological stress
- GMO food
- Spiritual health is not addressed
The Cancer Solution?
Dr. Tony Jimenez believes there are 7 Key Principals to the Resolution of Disease:
- Use non-toxic cancer therapies
- Optimize the immune system
- Detoxify
- Emphasize clean eating and nutrition – no GMOs either
- Anti-microbial Therapy which addresses parasite, fungus (baking soda), viruses and bacteria
- Release any emotional conflicts or reasons for the disease
- Oxygenate the cells
Surviving Cancer Treatments (Chemo/Radiation):
- If you feel you need to do both natural and chemo/radiation protocols simultaneously, consider Astragalus – MD Anderson says that it doubles the survival rate of patients doing radiotherapy. Reduces metastic spread. Study 1, Study 2.
In the video below, Essiac tea is mentioned for detoxifying the body and curing cancers and reportedly has had incredible results. President John F. Kennedy’s personal physician himself, Charles A. Brusch MD had this to say in The Essiac Report, “The Results we obtained with thousands of patients of various races, sexes, and ages, with all types of cancer, definitely prove Essiac to be a cure for cancer. All studies done in four laboratories in the United States and one or more in Canada fortify this claim.”
- The root of the Burdock plant.
- The entire Sheep Sorrel plant.
- The inner bark of the Slippery Elm tree.
- The roots of the Turkey Rhubarb plant.
The herbs are boiled for a short time and then left to steep for 8-12 hours. The tea is then boiled once more and strained. Adults: Take 2 oz. of Flor • Essence® twice daily. Children: (4 and up): 1 oz. of Flor • Essence® twice daily. Note: Taken on an empty stomach, 1/2 hour before any meal, and at bedtime. Flor • Essence® can be safely taken during chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
This video will also give you a whole different perspective on the two sides of the cancer aisle: conventional methods versus natural therapies. This documentary highlights the cancer fight in the U.S. since the early 20th century till today. It really makes you believe that maybe we’ve had a natural cancer cure for quite some time already. You decide, but the testimonies, research and evidence is exciting!
This video is long, but if you or a loved one has cancer, it is a MUST SEE!
The ketone diet is a high-fat, regular amount of protein, and a low-carbohydrate diet. This diet requires the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Usually, carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and brain. However, if there are few carbohydrates in the diet, the liver will convert the fat into good fatty acids and ketones. These ketones then pass to the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood or ketosis is good and is said to lead to a reduction in the frequency of epileptic seizures, diminish Alzheimer’s symptoms and reduce cancer cells.
A good source of ketones is coconut oil. Contrary to popular belief, we need essential fatty foods that contain medium-chain triglycerides. For more information on Dr. Mary Newport’s ketone research, go here.
This next video below addresses brain cancer, metastasis and the ketone diet which his research indicates can shrink a brain tumor. Dr. Thomas Seyfried’s talk is entitled “Targeting Metabolism in Brain Cancer.”
FOURTH PROTOCOL and OPTION…Budwig Diet (Bill Henderson Protocol (BHP))
The Budwig Diet is based on the research done by German chemist Dr. Johanna Budwig. “She was a licensed pharmacist and published researcher with doctorates in chemistry and physics. Budwig was searching for a diet to treat a variety of degenerative and autoimmune diseases. In the early 1950’s, while a senior research scientist in the German Federal Health Office, she observed that many of the cancer treating drugs being evaluated contained sulphydryl groups. Budwig believed that sulphydryl compounds were important to cellular metabolism, and in particular cellular respiration. She focused her research on the development of cancer as a consequence of an aberration of cellular respiration, that in the absence of sulphydryl groups and/or a fatty acid partner, a low oxygen environment would be produced that would encourage cancerous cells to proliferate. *Note: It was in 1953 the Nobel Prize was awarded to Hans Krebs for his discovery of the Citric Acid Cycle.”
This protocol is a diet with its primary daily components consisting of a flaxseed oil (fatty acid)/cottage cheese mixture along with raw fruits, vegetables, gluten free whole grains, and legumes. There is also a supplement list containing beta glucan, barley grass, multivitamins and minerals, green tea, L-lysine, L-proline and Vitamin C.
For the FREE Budwig diet protocol: Guide To The Budwig Diet. The Budwig Center is now located in Malaga, Spain.
- See the Gerson Institute for more cancer information.
- See also Dr. Buryznski’s cancer center who has had incredible results as well. He is located in Texas. His Antineoplaston therapy is an alternative cancer treatment that involves using a group of chemicals called antineoplastons intended to protect the body from disease. Antineoplastons are made up mostly of peptides and amino acids originally taken from human blood and urine.
- Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) is a fungus that grows on birch and other hardwood trees. It is believed to be potent because of its high concentration of betulinic acid which is toxic to cancer cells. See research here.
- Artemisinin – a natural chinese herb that “when coupled with iron, can kill 98% of breast cancer in 16 hours,” according to a study published in Life Sciences. Artemisia annua was first noted as a possible anticancer herb in 2001, when two researchers at the University of Washington learned that wormwood showed highly selective activity against breast cancer cells. “Artemisinin reacts with iron to form free radicals that kill cells. Since cancer cells uptake relatively large amount of iron than normal cells, they are more susceptible to the toxic effect of artemisinin.” [3] The anticancer effect of artemisinin is thus much enhanced (up to 100x) by the preloading of cancer cells with iron. [4]
- DIM (Diindolylmethane) is derived from cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli. It helps to protect the body against cancer and balances estrogen for both men and women. Diindolylmethane is used for preventing breast, uterine, and colorectal cancer. It is also used to prevent an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy, BPH) and treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
- Apricot seed – To read more about the health benefits, see here and here.
- Paw Paw fruit. Learn more here.
- Leukemia – also see this research (Nov 2013) published in Molecular Cancer. In China they have discovered that 6-Shogaol, a major pungent ingredient in ginger induces cell death in human leukemia cells both in vitro and in vivo without side effects.
- Curcumin:
I wish all the best to those who are suffering from cancer. I also highly recommend the site: The Truth About Cancer. May you or your loved one find hope on this tough journey, because you are not alone. God bless.
Beth Slater says
Great information. look forward to up dates.