What’s your New Year’s resolution this year? Amidst the darkness last year, I like the idea that one can be a light in the New Year. It has been scientifically proven that light brings health and healing to the body. The main source of light on the earth is of course, the sun. Vitamin D is a benefit of exposure to light and is quite therapeutic for the body. Without enough Vitamin D, the body becomes diseased.
[What is light? Light is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye and is defined in wavelengths, both short and long. Wavelength can also be explained using a frequency range from around 730 to 750 terahertz. Frequency is a science all on its own and also has a strong connection to health. To read how frequency in music heals our bodies, please read my post on Can Music Heal the Body? Light therapy, or exposure to light for the use of treating sickness is also a growing therapy today, you can read more about that in my Light Therapy post here.]
But as we look forward to the New Year, I think about light in the spiritual sense as well. Probably most would agree that physical light can encourage healing, but what about spiritual light? John 1 says, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. Where does your source of spiritual light come from? Every light source has to originate from somewhere. In this life we get tired, stressed and sick and sometimes we need to be recharged to feel health and hope, and to know peace. How can we travel this life without THE light if we want to be a light and overcome the darkness?
What kind of year will it be for you? Will you plug into THE source of all light? Will you be a light to others, because we all know that we need more light in this dark world of ours. I am sure there are many things that one can do to push back the darkness in their corner of the world, but here are my three simple steps to becoming a brighter light in the New Year:
- Choose your words carefully. Words can bring health or they can bring death. Words cannot be taken back and they are always remembered even if they are forgiven. Read more about the experiment done below with water, frequency and words here:
- Put others above yourself. In our selfish society today, we are always first. Challenge yourself to do this for one hour, one day and then one week. See if the Golden Rule doesn’t change your relationship with your husband, your child, your friend.
- Seek THE SOURCE of all light–not things, not others, not yourself. We cannot be the light unless we are plugged into the light.
I am hoping that this new year will be a year of more light and less darkness. Wishing you a wonderful NEW YEAR filled with health, hope, peace and LIGHT.
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