Activated charcoal is used as an emergency treatment across the United States in ERs for certain kinds of poisoning. It adheres to toxins and helps prevent poison from being absorbed into the stomach and then into the rest of the body.
Is Your Shower Head Making You Sick?
Is my shower head making me sick? Do I really need to worry about the water coming out of my shower head? Well, maybe if you understand that bacteria thrives in shower heads. Something I certainly had no idea about. According to research from the University of Colorado at Boulder, lung infections can have a direct relationship […]
5 DIY Scrubs To Exfoliate Your Skin
Exfoliation is an essential step in the skincare process, and DIY scrubs are an easy way to keep the skin healthy and clear. With aging, dead skin cells don’t shed well, thus hinder the cell regeneration process. Here comes exfoliating scrubs that not only help in getting rid of dead skin cells, but also unclog […]